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Tradition since "today"

Friedrich "Fritz" König laid the foundation and quickly understood how to use the independence of our individual vineyards on the Kittenberg. So Fritz fell in love with the diversity of the terroir around the world. He dealt very intensively with the composition of the soil, the different pH values ​​and the effects on the growth of fruit and wine varieties under microclimatic influences. He processed his experiences / impressions from all over the world in two books and immediately implemented them on the Kittenberg. In his function as an economics councilor, he was a pioneer in rethinking things and reforming work steps in agriculture. He is still considered a pioneer of mulching and high culture in Styria today.


"Fritz König's role model effect had a lasting effect on all areas of wine production, so that he can rightly be described as one of the most well-known fundamentalists of the Styrian wine rise."

Rudolf Lantschbauer (Vinothek Verlag)


Herbert König Sr. immersed himself in his destiny as a wine and fruit grower. With his courage for renewed change, he laid the foundation for our work today. So he planted individual areas with new types of grape and fruit and revolutionized the steep slope viticulture.

Where there is courage, there is also recklessness! So our father left us, much too early, 25 years ago in a tractor accident in the vineyard. With him, we have  lost a lot of knowledge about the company and our father and husband. An economic and, above all, human vacuum was created.

A vacuum that our mom, König Anni, with all her strength and a lot of devotion, kept from standing still. For more than 40 years now, our vineyards and orchards have been very important to her. We can now fall back on Anni's infinite treasure trove of experiences and impressions. Nobody knows our locations with their demands and individualities better!

Where there is a vacuum, there is room to reinvent yourself. So it is now up to us to take the next step. A step towards the most original form of agriculture. A step "back into the future".

A step away from commerce, towards uniqueness, towards diversification, instead of conformity!

Working with nature and its laws, working and thinking in a cycle with its environment and "letting it pass" without intervening. With our products we want to show the essence of the fruit. Unadulterated and natural. Natural wine / natural juice, or whatever you want to call it. We look forward to your opinions.

Please as pure as our products!

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